January 20, 2018
“Not your Grandma’s Dye-Job” with Jeanne Seitz
Jeanne Seitz is returning for our dye day workshop. See workshops for more information and for sign up information.
April 19-20, 2018
‘Collapse Weave Techniques on 4 and 8 Shafts’ Workshop with Leader: Denise Kovnat
See workshops for more information and for sign up information.
2018 MLH Samples
MWG is due to provide samples for Michigan League of Handweavers (MLH) in 2018. At the September meeting a number of people signed up to participate. Sue Walton agreed to coordinate the effort. Additional information will be provided and additional volunteers would be welcome. Contact Sue Walton if interested.
Donations Wanted
If anyone has any extra left-over weaving yarns, or tools, such as
shuttles, lease sticks, etc. I would be happy to accept them as a donation on behalf
of the Soul Center, which is an art center for special needs adults.
You can get in touch with me:
Judy Boesky
or, bring them to a MWG meeting.
Thank you!
Membership Sale is over. But if you haven’t paid your dues – see: Membership
Loom wanted and Looms for Sale – see: Marketplace
*Note end time changed to 4 pm from 5 pm
Please come and bring your friends to support the guild.
We are also looking for demonstrators and you can still sign up to sell your work. Contact Nancy Peck.
You can download a copy of this advertisement to send to you friends below.
28600 Eleven Mile Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
In Review: Turned Beiderwand Workshop
Some pictures from the workshop by Karen Donde on Turned Beiderwand can be found on our website under Gallery or the link the in box below.
Mixed Media Fiber Art
MWG member Boisali Biswas’ work is featured at an exhibit at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center through November 17, 2017.
Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center1516 S. Cranbrook
Birmingham, MI 48009
The Soul Center which is a program for special needs adults and children is having a sale on November 16 from 6-9 pm. They are located at:
Friendship Circle: Farber Center5586 Drake Road
West Bloomfiled Township MI 48322
A number of MWG members volunteer at the weaving program at the center.
Costick Exhibit Set up – Monday, November 20, 2017 from 10 am through noon – All members are invited to participate.
This is an opportunity to show your fiberwork in a gallery setting. If your work is for sale, please indicate sale price on the inventory sheet. Costick promotes the show and takes a 30% commission for sales.
show more
An inventory sheet in Excel format:
and ‘hold harmless form’
can be downloaded to fill out and sign prior to dropping off your fiber pieces.
See Exhibits page to download a PDF version of the Inventory sheet.
If you cannot bring to the intake, please give to another member.
Take down will be Friday, January 12, 2018.

Michigan League of Handweavers is looking for entrees for their:
20th Biennial Fiber Show
February 6 – March 11, 2018
Shiawasse Art Center
Owosso, MI
See their website for additional information.
Next News Update Deadline is January 2, 2018.
Email any information that may be interesting to members to the: