Three Days of Michigan Weavers Guild Activities
Thursday, November 15, 10 a.m. – Noon
MWG Exhibit as Costick Center Setup
MWG is having an Exhibit! We hope that EVERYONE in the guild with submit something to exhibit. Does not need to be woven but should be a textile item. If you cannot drop off during the setup time – contact another member to bring your item.
Download, complete and bring the inventory sheet with your labeled exhibit pieces to Costick for hanging. We also need some images of work to share with Costick for PR purposes. Submit these images to When selecting your items for exhibit, consider whether they will be for sale or not. If NOT, please mark very clearly on the work. As a benefit of exhibiting, a few items are sold every year. Costick Center provides a gallery venue and publicity to MWG for our exhibit, a far larger contribution than the 30% commission from the sold items.
and ‘hold harmless form’:
should be filled out and sign prior to dropping off your fiber pieces.
November 20 – January 18, 2019: MWG Exhibit at Costick Center
Costick Center
City Gallery
28600 Eleven Mile Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
(248) 473-1800
Monday-Friday – 8:30 AM-4:30 PM,
Extended hours until 7:00 PM on Wednesdays
Searching For New Program Chairperson
The Michigan Weavers Guild (MWG) is a volunteer organization. It’s success depends on the efforts and passion of fiber artists in Southeast Michigan. Nancy Peck will be stepping down from this post. We are in “desperate” need of a replacement. Please consider tackling this assignment. If willing contact Nancy Peck.
2018-2019 MWG Board Members
- Meeting Chair: rotates among board
- Hospitality: Maxine Fontana
- Housing: Susan Lolli
- Membership: Joan Koelsch
- MLH Representative: Karen Folland
- Newsletter/ Webmaster: Susan Lolli
- Programs: Nancy Peck
- Publicity: Judy Boesky
- Treasurer: Joan Koelsch
Friday, November 16, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
MWG Exhibit at Costick Center Opening
We’re having a celebration! Mark your calendars to participate and share in the excitement of MWG’s Exhibit opening.
Costick staff is working with us on promoting the event Friday evening, 6:30-8p.m. MWG members are invited to bring treats to share. (no alcohol allowed). The evening will have traffic at the Costick Center as the Farmington Youth Theatre will be having a performance of ‘Shrek the Musical’ at 7 p.m.
28600 Eleven Mile Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
Looking Ahead
Friday, January 18, 2019 10 a.m.: MWG Exhibit at Costick Center Takedown
Saturday January 19, 2019: MWG Dye Day
Saturday February 16, 2019: Speaker: Sally Erickson: “Possibilities of Woven Textiles: Sources of Color and Pattern”
Thursday, March 14 – Friday, March 15, 1019: Workshop – “Weaving for Holes: Exploring Loom Controlled Laces” by Sue Walton
See our workshop page for additional information and instructions on how to sign-up.

Next News Update Deadline is January 2, 2019. Email any information that may be interesting to members to the:
Fiber Exhibit at Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center
Oct 19-Nov 15
Carol Irving: A Weaver’s Journal of Endangered Wildflowers
“First & foremost, I am a weaver & I speak in yarn & color.” – Carol Irving
1516 S. Cranbrook
Birmingham, MI 48009
Saturday, November 17 12 noon
Meeting and Program
Speaker: Susan Lolli, “Fascination With Guatemalan Textiles”
This will be a slide presentation and a show and tell of examples of Guatemalan weavings collected during two visits to Guatemala. Susan has been fascinated by ethnic textiles and will talk about how you can use these textiles to inspire your work.
Susan Lolli and been weaving for over twenty years. She has been active in the Michigan Weavers guild for many years and a member of the Cross Borders Study Group. She has also been a volunteer at the Weaving Shop at Greenfield Village since her retirement from “paid” employment.
- 11:30 PM Social Time – light refreshments. Bring your own bag lunch if you want.
- 12:00 PM General Meeting
- 12:30 PM Program
17029 West 13 Mile Road Southfield, MI 48076-7749
As usual – bring your textile creations to our “Look What I Have Done” to show to provide inspiration to the group.
From the last month sharing – the vest Susan Lolli wore was a Vogue Tilton Pattern V8777. It is no longer produced but you may be able to find a copy on eBay or another site.
It is not too late to bring your completed Summer Challenge piece to show. The challenge was to use an image of a favorite place as inspiration for creating a fiber work over the summer. If you are not done (or have not even started – you still have time)